Dyson Pure Cool Link Support - Confirm your home Wi-Fi network | dyson.co.nz
Dyson Pure Cool purifier Desk White/Silver

Contact us

Our customer care team is available during the following hours:

  • Mon-Fri 8:30am - 5:00pm EST
  • 0800 397 667
  • Dyson New Zealand, 6 / 99 Carbine Road, Mount Wellington, Auckland, New Zealand,1060

Confirm your home Wi-Fi network

The app will recommend a home Wi-Fi network to connect the purifier to.

This will be the network your mobile device is already connected to

If this is the home Wi-Fi network you would like to connect your purifier to, enter its password.

Please ensure your home Wi-Fi password is alpha numeric only and doesn’t contain any other characters such as punctuation marks, otherwise this could cause a problem with connection